
    Dark Mode
Group by:
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two constants for count columns and previous valuesNOTE: all the following could be generated by a macro. But amount of code isn't enough to make that worthwhile.NOTE: the explicit generics are there to avoid code gen errors. LINK NIM-LANG ISSUE Essentially if missing() appears for two "same" (e.g. PossibleFloat) fields, but one of them is used, the other isn't, the second field is just uhhh, literally, missing


AestheticError = object of CatchableError
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Aesthetics = object
  x*: Option[Scale]
  xMin*: Option[Scale]
  xMax*: Option[Scale]
  y*: Option[Scale]
  yMin*: Option[Scale]
  yMax*: Option[Scale]
  fill*: Option[Scale]
  color*: Option[Scale]
  alpha*: Option[Scale]
  size*: Option[Scale]
  shape*: Option[Scale]
  width*: Option[Scale]
  height*: Option[Scale]
  text*: Option[Scale]
  yRidges*: Option[Scale]
  weight*: Option[Scale]
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Annotation = object
  left*: Option[float]
  bottom*: Option[float]
  x*: Option[float]
  y*: Option[float]
  text*: string
  font*: Font
  rotate*: Option[float]
  backgroundColor*: Color
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BinByKind = enum
  bbFull = "full", bbSubset = "subset"
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BinPositionKind = enum
  bpNone = "none", bpCenter = "center", bpLeft = "left", bpRight = "right" ## `GgStyle` object is an `Option` wrapper around `ginger.Style`.
                                                                           ## This allows us to differentiate between user settings of styles
                                                                           ## and mappings. Settings take higher priority!
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ColorScale = object
  name*: string
  colors*: seq[uint32]
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ContinuousFormat = proc (x: float): string
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DataKind = enum
  dkMapping = "mapping",    ## default for size / color: compute mapping based on
                             ## data *values* stored in the column
  dkSetting = "setting" ## default for scLinear / scTransformed. Treat data
                        ## in referenced column literally. x/y: data position,
                        ## size/color: literal size/color using column value
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DateScale = object
  name*: string
  axKind*: AxisKind          ## which axis does it belong to?
  isTimestamp*: bool         ## is it a timestamp?
  breaks*: seq[float] ## timestamps to use as tick labels. Overrides `dateSpacing`. Forces
                      ## `dateAlgo` to `dtaCustomBreaks`.
  parseDate*: proc (s: string): DateTime ## possible parser for string columns
  formatString*: string      ## the string to format dates with
  dateSpacing*: Duration     ## required duration between two ticks
  dateAlgo*: DateTickAlgorithmKind ## See enum description above
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DateTickAlgorithmKind = enum
  dtaFilter,                ## compute the date ticks by filtering to closest matches
  dtaAddDuration,           ## compute the date ticks by adding given duration to start time
  dtaCustomBreaks            ## use user given custom breaks (as unix timestamp)
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DiscreteFormat = proc (x: Value): string
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DiscreteKind = enum
  dcDiscrete, dcContinuous
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Draw = object
  fname*: string
  width*: Option[float]
  height*: Option[float]
  texOptions*: TeXOptions
  backend*: BackendKind
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Facet = object
  columns*: seq[string]
  sfKind*: ScaleFreeKind
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FilledGeom = object
  geom*: Geom
  xCol*: string
  yCol*: string
  xScale*: ginger.Scale
  yScale*: ginger.Scale
  reversedX*: bool
  reversedY*: bool
  yieldData*: OrderedTable[Value, (GgStyle, seq[GgStyle], DataFrame)]
  case dcKindX*: DiscreteKind
  of dcDiscrete:
      xLabelSeq*: seq[Value]

  case dcKindY*: DiscreteKind
  of dcDiscrete:
      yLabelSeq*: seq[Value]

  numX*: int
  numY*: int
  case geomKind*: GeomKind
  of gkErrorBar:
      xMin*: Option[string]
      yMin*: Option[string]
      xMax*: Option[string]
      yMax*: Option[string]

  of gkTile, gkRaster:
      fillCol*: string
      fillDataScale*: ginger.Scale
      width*: Option[string]
      height*: Option[string]
      colorScale*: ColorScale

  of gkText:
      text*: string

  of gkHistogram:
      hdKind*: HistogramDrawingStyle

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FilledScales = object
  xScale*: ginger.Scale
  yScale*: ginger.Scale
  reversedX*: bool
  reversedY*: bool
  discreteX*: bool
  discreteY*: bool
  geoms*: seq[FilledGeom]
  x*: MainAddScales
  y*: MainAddScales
  color*: MainAddScales
  fill*: MainAddScales
  alpha*: MainAddScales
  size*: MainAddScales
  shape*: MainAddScales
  xMin*: MainAddScales
  xMax*: MainAddScales
  yMin*: MainAddScales
  yMax*: MainAddScales
  width*: MainAddScales
  height*: MainAddScales
  text*: MainAddScales
  yRidges*: MainAddScales
  weight*: MainAddScales
  facets*: seq[Scale]
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Geom = object
  gid*: uint16
  data*: Option[DataFrame]
  userStyle*: GgStyle
  position*: PositionKind
  aes*: Aesthetics
  binPosition*: BinPositionKind
  case kind*: GeomKind
  of gkHistogram:
      hdKind*: HistogramDrawingStyle

  case statKind*: StatKind
  of stBin:
      numBins*: int
      binWidth*: Option[float]
      binEdges*: Option[seq[float]]
      binBy*: BinByKind
      density*: bool ## if true will compute the density instead of counts in
                     ## each bin
  of stSmooth:
      span*: float           ## The window width we use to compute the smoothed output
      polyOrder*: int        ## Polynomial order to use for SVG filter
      methodKind*: SmoothMethodKind ## The method to use for smoothing (Savitzky-Golay, LM)
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GeomKind = enum
  gkPoint, gkBar, gkHistogram, gkFreqPoly, gkTile, gkLine, gkErrorBar, gkText,
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GgPlot = object
  data*: DataFrame
  title*: string
  subTitle*: string
  aes*: Aesthetics
  facet*: Option[Facet]
  ridges*: Option[Ridges]
  geoms*: seq[Geom]
  annotations*: seq[Annotation]
  theme*: Theme
  backend*: BackendKind ## the backend to use. Determined automatically from filename and
                        ## possible options given to `ggsave`
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GgStyle = object
  color*: Option[Color]
  size*: Option[float]
  lineType*: Option[LineType]
  lineWidth*: Option[float]
  fillColor*: Option[Color]
  marker*: Option[MarkerKind]
  errorBarKind*: Option[ErrorBarKind]
  alpha*: Option[float]
  font*: Option[Font]
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HistogramDrawingStyle = enum
  hdBars = "bars", ## draws historams by drawing individual bars right next to
                    ## one another
  hdOutline = "line"         ## draws histograms by drawing the outline of all bars
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JsonDummyDraw = object
  fname*: string
  width*: Option[float]
  height*: Option[float]
  backend*: BackendKind
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MainAddScales = tuple[main: Option[Scale], more: seq[Scale]]
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Missing = object
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OutsideRangeKind = enum
  orkNone = "none", ## leave points where they are. Will be drawn somewhere outside the plot area,
                     ## unless so much larger than plot range that they don't fit canvas at all
  orkDrop = "drop",         ## remove points outside of plot range
  orkClip = "clip" ## clip outside points either to max value along the range or, if any is set
                   ## to the `*MarginRange`. That is the data range + the `*Margin`. See the
                   ## `*Margin` procs for more information.
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PlotView = object
  filledScales*: FilledScales
  view*: Viewport
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PositionKind = enum
  pkIdentity = "identity", pkStack = "stack", pkDodge = "dodge", pkFill = "fill"
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PossibleColor = Missing | Color | uint32 | string | Option[Color]
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PossibleErrorBar = Missing | ErrorBarKind | Option[ErrorBarKind]
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PossibleFloat = Missing | SomeNumber | string | Option[float]
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PossibleFont = Missing | Font | Option[Font]
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PossibleLineType = Missing | LineType | Option[LineType]
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PossibleMarker = Missing | MarkerKind | Option[MarkerKind]
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Ridges = object
  col*: FormulaNode
  overlap*: float
  showTicks*: bool
  labelOrder*: Table[Value, int]
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Scale = ref object
  col*: FormulaNode
  name*: string
  ids*: set[uint16]
  vKind*: ValueKind
  hasDiscreteness*: bool
  numTicks*: Option[int]
  breaks*: seq[float]
  dataKind*: DataKind
  case scKind*: ScaleKind
  of scLinearData, scTransformedData:
      axKind*: AxisKind
      reversed*: bool
      trans*: ScaleTransform
      invTrans*: ScaleTransform
      secondaryAxis*: Option[SecondaryAxis]
      dateScale*: Option[DateScale]

  of scColor, scFillColor:
      colorScale*: ColorScale

  of scSize:
      sizeRange*: tuple[low, high: float]

  of scAlpha:
      alphaRange*: tuple[low, high: float]

  case dcKind*: DiscreteKind
  of dcDiscrete:
      valueMap*: OrderedTable[Value, ScaleValue]
      labelSeq*: seq[Value]
      formatDiscreteLabel*: DiscreteFormat

  of dcContinuous:
      dataScale*: ginger.Scale
      mapData*: proc (df: DataFrame): seq[ScaleValue]
      formatContinuousLabel*: ContinuousFormat

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ScaleFreeKind = enum
  sfFixed = "fixed", sfFreeX = "free_x", sfFreeY = "free_y", sfFree = "free"
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ScaleKind = enum
  scLinearData, scTransformedData, scColor, scFillColor, scAlpha, scShape,
  scSize, scText
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ScaleTransform = proc (v: float): float
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ScaleValue = object
  case kind*: ScaleKind
  of scLinearData, scTransformedData:
      val*: Value

  of scFillColor, scColor:
      color*: Color

  of scAlpha:
      alpha*: float

  of scShape:
      marker*: MarkerKind
      lineType*: LineType

  of scSize:
      size*: float

  of scText:
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SecondaryAxis = object
  name*: string
  axKind*: AxisKind
  case scKind*: ScaleKind
  of scLinearData:
      trans*: Option[FormulaNode]

  of scTransformedData:
      transFn*: ScaleTransform
      invTransFn*: ScaleTransform

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SmoothMethodKind = enum
  smSVG = "svg",            ## Savitzky-Golay filter smoothing ("LOESS")
  smLM = "lm",              ## Perform a Levenberg-Marquardt fit
  smPoly = "poly"            ## Perform a polynomial fit of given order
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StatKind = enum
  stIdentity = "identity", stCount = "count", stBin = "bin", stSmooth = "smooth"
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StyleLabel = object
  style*: GgStyle
  label*: Value
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Theme = object
  baseFontSize*: Option[float]
  fontSizeScale*: Option[float]
  labelFont*: Option[Font]
  titleFont*: Option[Font]
  subTitleFont*: Option[Font]
  tickLabelFont*: Option[Font]
  hideTicks*: Option[bool]
  hideTickLabels*: Option[bool]
  hideLabels*: Option[bool]
  title*: Option[string]
  subTitle*: Option[string]
  xLabel*: Option[string]
  xLabelMargin*: Option[float]
  xLabelSecondary*: Option[string]
  yLabel*: Option[string]
  yLabelMargin*: Option[float]
  yLabelSecondary*: Option[string]
  xTicksRotate*: Option[float]
  xTicksTextAlign*: Option[TextAlignKind]
  xTickLabelMargin*: Option[float]
  yTicksRotate*: Option[float]
  yTicksTextAlign*: Option[TextAlignKind]
  yTickLabelMargin*: Option[float]
  legendPosition*: Option[Coord]
  legendOrder*: Option[seq[int]]
  hideLegend*: Option[bool]
  canvasColor*: Option[Color]
  plotBackgroundColor*: Option[Color]
  gridLines*: Option[bool]
  gridLineColor*: Option[Color]
  gridLineWidth*: Option[float]
  minorGridLines*: Option[bool]
  minorGridLineWidth*: Option[float]
  onlyAxes*: Option[bool]
  discreteScaleMargin*: Option[Quantity]
  xRange*: Option[Scale]
  yRange*: Option[Scale]
  xMargin*: Option[float]
  xMarginRange*: ginger.Scale
  yMargin*: Option[float]
  yMarginRange*: ginger.Scale
  xOutsideRange*: Option[OutsideRangeKind]
  yOutsideRange*: Option[OutsideRangeKind]
  plotMarginLeft*: Option[Quantity]
  plotMarginRight*: Option[Quantity]
  plotMarginTop*: Option[Quantity]
  plotMarginBottom*: Option[Quantity]
  facetMargin*: Option[Quantity]
  preferRowsOverColumns*: Option[bool]
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ThemeMarginLayout = object
  left*: Quantity
  right*: Quantity
  top*: Quantity
  bottom*: Quantity
  requiresLegend*: bool
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VegaDraw = object
  fname*: string
  width*: Option[float]
  height*: Option[float]
  asPrettyJson*: bool
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VegaTeX = object
  fname*: string
  width*: Option[float]
  height*: Option[float]
  texOptions*: TeXOptions
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CountCol = "counts_GGPLOTNIM_INTERNAL"
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PrevValsCol = "prevVals_GGPLOTNIM_INTERNAL"
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SmoothValsCol = "smoothVals_GGPLOTNIM_INTERNAL"
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proc `$`(aes: Aesthetics): string {....raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc `$`(f: Facet): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc `$`(g: Geom): string {....raises: [ValueError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc `$`(p: GgPlot): string {....raises: [ValueError, KeyError, Exception],
                              tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc `$`(s: Scale): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
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proc `==`(s1, s2: Scale): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc assignIdentityScalesGetStyle[C: PossibleColor; S: PossibleFloat;
                                  M: PossibleMarker; LT: PossibleLineType;
                                  LW: PossibleFloat; FC: PossibleColor;
                                  EB: PossibleErrorBar; A: PossibleFloat;
                                  F: PossibleFont](aes: var Aesthetics;
    pColor: C = missing(); pSize: S = missing(); pMarker: M = missing();
    pLineType: LT = missing(); pLineWidth: LW = missing();
    pFillColor: FC = missing(); pErrorBarKind: EB = missing();
    pAlpha: A = missing(); pFont: F = missing()): GgStyle
Modifies the given aes for all inputs that are interpreted as being a "column 'setting'" (i.e. DataKind = dkSetting). For every other case, fills the corresponding field of a GgStyle, which will be returned. Source   Edit  
proc hash(s: GgStyle): Hash {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc hash(s: Style): Hash {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc hash(x: Scale): Hash {....raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc hash(x: ScaleValue): Hash {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc hash(x: StyleLabel): Hash {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc missing(): Missing {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Helper to get a Missing instance. Source   Edit  
proc toOptColor[T: PossibleColor](x: T): Option[Color]
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proc toOptSecAxis[T: PossibleSecondaryAxis](x: T; axis: AxisKind): Option[
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